A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Dashboard on monday.com

In the realm of project management and team collaboration, having access to real-time insights is essential for making informed decisions and driving success. Dashboards serve as centralised hubs where teams can visualise key metrics, track progress, and stay aligned with organisational goals. With monday.com, creating a custom dashboard tailored to your team’s needs is easier than ever. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of building a dashboard on monday.com.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before diving into the dashboard creation process, it’s crucial to define your objectives and identify the key metrics you want to track. Start by clarifying what information is most relevant to your team’s goals and workflows. Whether it’s tracking project progress, monitoring sales performance, or analysing marketing metrics, having a clear understanding of your objectives will guide the dashboard design process.

Step 2: Choose the Right Widgets

monday.com offers a diverse range of widgets that enable you to visualise data in various formats, from charts and graphs to progress bars and tables. Depending on your objectives, choose the widgets that best suit your needs. For example, if you’re tracking project milestones, you might opt for a Gantt chart widget. If you’re monitoring sales targets, a bar chart or pie chart widget could be more appropriate.

Explore monday.com’s extensive library of widgets and experiment with different options to see which ones provide the most meaningful insights for your team.

Step 3: Customise Your Dashboard Layout

Once you’ve selected the widgets you want to include, it’s time to customise your dashboard layout. monday.com allows you to arrange widgets in a grid layout, making it easy to organise and prioritise information. Consider grouping related widgets together and organising them in a logical sequence to ensure clarity and coherence.

You can also customise the appearance of widgets by adjusting colours, fonts, and sizes to match your team’s branding or preferences. Additionally, take advantage of monday.com’s drag-and-drop interface to rearrange widgets as needed, ensuring optimal visibility and usability.

Step 4: Configure Data Sources and Integrations

To populate your dashboard with real-time data, you’ll need to configure data sources and integrations within monday.com. Whether you’re pulling data from external sources such as Google Sheets, Salesforce, or Zendesk, or aggregating data from within monday.com itself, integrations play a vital role in ensuring that your dashboard reflects the most up-to-date information.

Explore monday.com’s integration marketplace to discover a wide range of pre-built integrations that seamlessly connect with popular tools and platforms. Set up the necessary connections and configure data sources to automatically sync with your dashboard, keeping information accurate and current at all times.

Step 5: Define Key Metrics and KPIs

To make your dashboard truly effective, it’s essential to define key metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your team’s objectives. Identify the most critical metrics that reflect progress towards your goals and ensure that they are prominently featured on your dashboard.

Consider using visual cues such as colour-coded indicators or progress bars to highlight performance against targets and benchmarks. By clearly defining key metrics and KPIs, you’ll empower your team to track progress, identify trends, and take proactive measures to drive success.

Step 6: Test and Iterate

Once your dashboard is set up, it’s essential to test its functionality and usability before rolling it out to your team. Take the time to review each widget, verify data accuracy, and ensure that all integrations are functioning correctly. Solicit feedback from team members to identify any areas for improvement or additional features that would enhance usability.

Iterate on your dashboard design based on feedback and insights gathered during testing. Be open to making adjustments and refinements to ensure that your dashboard meets the evolving needs of your team and provides actionable insights to drive decision-making.

Step 7: Train Your Team

Finally, provide training and support to your team to ensure that they can effectively utilise the dashboard to its fullest potential. Offer guidance on navigating the dashboard, interpreting key metrics, and leveraging its features to track progress and make informed decisions.

Encourage ongoing engagement with the dashboard by scheduling regular check-ins and reviews to discuss performance metrics, identify trends, and brainstorm strategies for improvement. By empowering your team to harness the full capabilities of the dashboard, you’ll foster a culture of data-driven decision-making and drive success across your organisation.


Building a dashboard on monday.com is a straightforward process that empowers teams to visualise data, track progress, and make informed decisions. By following these step-by-step guidelines and leveraging monday.com’s intuitive interface and robust features, you can create a custom dashboard tailored to your team’s objectives and workflows. From defining key metrics to configuring data sources and integrations, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring that your dashboard provides actionable insights to drive success. With a well-designed dashboard in place, your team will be better equipped to achieve its goals and thrive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

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